Dale’s Channel
2017 Reel School Season 1
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Reel School Overview - Dale walks you through the restoration shop and every project that is underway.
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 1 - In this episode, Dale begins the rebuild of a 1924 Harley-Davidson 2-bar FHAC Keystone Frame Two-cam Hill Climber! This is the only one known in existence today!
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 2 - In this episode, Dale assembles the top half of the motor of the ’24 Keystone Frame Harley-Davidson Hillclimber!
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 3 - After Dale finds the correct rings for the pistons, he increases the size of the bushing by about 1/1000th of an inch and then sets the second piston in place!
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 4 - In this episode, Dale and John The Painter apply a rough paint of coat to the frame and fenders and shows you how to “crusterize” your motorcycle!
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 5 - Dale makes a plug for the petcock on the Slim bike and braises the handle bars on the JDH Hillclimber!
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 6 - Dale shows you Painter Johns final product for the JDH tanks! Next he’ll show you how to prep and install the throttle wire and then shows you a special method to install the motor!
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 7 - After facing down a tire issue, Dale makes more progress on the bike and runs down the final punch list.
Recipe For A Hill Climber Part 8 - Putting the power to the hill is the test of a alcohol burning hillclimber. Without the correct tires, chains, and gearing it just won’t work. In this episode dale finds problems sourcing both items.
The 1918 Revival - Dale’s good friend Paul stops by The Wheels Through Time on his way back from Kansas with a 1918 Harley-Davidson! Watch Dale and Paul bring this bike back to life!
Fatt On A ’44 Part 1 -
Fatt On A ’44 Part 2 - Dale preps the tanks for Fat on a ’44 and Slim.
Fatt On A ’44 Part 3 - In Part 3 of Fat On A ’44, John Dills joins Dale and leads the paint job for the 1944 Knucklehead! They also lay out the nameplates for the tanks and create a rough outline for the paint job!
Fatt On A ’44 Part 4 - In Part 4 of Fat On A ’44, Dale shows you some of the parts that will complete the ’44 and then takes apart the Linkert Carburetor. After disassembling the carb, he blasts and cleans it, and then puts it all back together!
Fatt On A ’44 Part 5 - Dale does the wiring for Slim, installs the tanks, puts some gas in and starts her up!
Fatt On A ’44 Part 6 - With just 3 days until Fat on a ’44 is presented to legendary artist David Uhl, Dale gets the 1944 Knucklehead started for the first time and takes it for a spin!
Fatt On A ’44 Part 7 - Dale presents Fat on a ’44 and Slim to artist David Uhl!
Andy's Indian Part 1 - Andy has had a passion for bicycles and motorcycles all of his life and now finally has found his pride and joy – a 1941 Indian Sport Scout! Tonight, Dale helps Andy clean the tanks to the ’41 Scout!
Andy's Indian Part 2 - Andy’s 1941 Sport Scout made Buzz Kanter’s annual Kick Start ride. But it broke! Dale sources the necessary parts from the recent acquisition of Indian parts from the estate of the late Chuck Vernon.
Andy's Indian Part 3 - After a quick ride, the Indian is back in for service, but will it get the seal of approval from Dale?
Andy's Indian Part 4 - Andy’s Indian Scout is ready for the road! Dale and Andy take the Scout for a ride on the The Blueridge Parkway and Andy soaks it all in!
Engine Rebuild - In this episode, Dale takes apart a 1938 61 Cubic Inch Knucklehead Engine. There was only about 2000 of these motors produced!
WR Rebuild Part 1 - In episode 1, Dale loosely assembles the bike, cleans up the sprocket, replaces the gasket seals, lubricates the bearings, and takes a close look at the gears of the transmission.
WR Rebuild Part 2
WR Rebuild Part 3 - Dale inspects the bores, hones the cylinders, and checks the valve springs.
WR Rebuild Part 5 - Dale goes into depth on the history of the WR motorcycles and their impact throughout the racing world in the 1940s.
WR Rebuild Part 4 - Dale assembles the lower end, checks the rod and piston alignment, and then completes the top half of the motor. After that he mounts the motor on the frame and pushes to get the WR running by the end of the day.
Event Shows - 2006 Vintage Festival
Lasting Experience
Race Of The Century - Dale races the 03 Indian at the 2nd annual Barber Vintage Festival in Birmingham, AL.
Event Shows - 2007 Vintage Festival
Getting Ready For Barbers - Dale preps the 1903 Indian for the 2007 Barber Motorsports Race of the Century in hopes of defend his 2006 title.
The 2007 Barber Vintage Festival - Dale catches up with some old friends for a weekend of fun at the 2007 Barber Vintage Festival in Birmingham, Alabama.
The AMCA Bike Show at Barbers - Dale tours one of the many events at the 2007 Barber Vintage Festival — The Antique Motorcycle Club of America Bike Show at Barbers.
The Worlds Oldest Running Indian - Dale and the Time Machine Crew prep the 1903 Indian for the 3rd Annual Race of the Century at the Barber Motorsports Museum.
Race Of The Century 2007 Part 1 - Dale meets a few of the competitors and gives the 03 a final tune-up before the 2007 Barber Race of the Century.
Race Of The Century 2007 Part 2 - The race is on at the 2007 Barber Motorsports Race of the Century in Birmingham, Alabama. Watch and see who wins.
The J. Wood Auction @ Barbers - With his eye on a few great machines, Dale jumps in at the 2007 J. Wood & Company Auction at the Barber Motorsports Museum.
Event Shows - Davenport 2007
A Piece of Jack Pine History - Dale and friends check out an amazing survivor from the Jack Pine Enduro and a rare prototype Indian Big-Base racer.
Davenport Field Games 2007 - The competitors give each other a run for the money at the 2007 Davenport Field Games.
In This Room - The Time Machine checks out several of the amazing pieces at the bike show and judging at the AMCA meet in Davenport, Iowa.
The AMCA National at Davenport - A few of the highlights from the worlds biggest antique motorcycle swap meet in the world at Davenport, Iowa.
The Davenport Flat Track Races - Watch as some of the worlds rarest motorcycles compete in the 2007 Davenport 1/2-mile dirt-track races.
The Knucklehead Race Car - Dale makes one last stop on Sunday morning to pick up a home-built Harley-Davidson Knucklehead Race Car.
Event Shows - 2008 AMCA Davenport National
Big Base Indian Davenport 08 - Dale starts a Big Base Indian that he found 1 year ago at last years Davenport meet.
Davenport Bike Build Part 1 - Dale picked up a 1946 Harley Davidson on the way to Davenport and decides that hell round up the crew and put it back together for the first time at the 2008 Davenport meet.
Davenport Bike Build Part 2 - Dale sends the two Matts out in search of a few small parts as they start on the 46 Harley.
Davenport Bike Build Part 3 - The Crew focus on the transmission and engine as they continue working on the 46 Harley.
Davenport Bike Build Part 5 - The WTT crew are working hard and the 46 Harley Davidson is comming together @ the 2008 Davenport AMCA meet.
Davenport Bike Build Part 6 - The bike is almost complete, and a few friends stop in to some finishing touches on this 52 yr. old bike.
Davenport Bike Build Part 4 - The frame begins to resemble a motorcycle after just a few hours of work at the 2008 Davenport meet.
Davenport Bike Build Part 7 - The bike comes together after only a few hours of hard work spent with some good friends.
Davenport Overview 2008 - Take a glimpse at what goes on at the Davenport AMCA National Meet.
Davenport Race Part 1 - Dale and the WTT crew head into the pits at the 2008 Davenport AMCA meet and check in with WTTs sponsored racer George Wills.
Davenport Race Part 2 - Dale takes the 29x boardtrack racer out on the tracks at Davenport for a joyride, and honors a good friend.
Davenport Treasures - Dale returns from the Chief Blackhawk Chapters annual meet in Davenport, IA with some very rare finds.
Event Shows - The AMCA Meet at Eustis
Eustis 2008 Photo Shoot - Buzz and Dale find a few great bikes for the American Iron photo-shoot at Eustis 2008.
The Road Weasels Part 1 - Dale and friends check out Roscos Daytona Racer and begin to turn a few wrenches in preparation for race day.
The Eustis Bike Show and Judging - A few of American motorcyclings rarest turned up for the annual bike show at Eustis 2008.
The Road Weasels Part 2 - Dale searches out a few parts for Roscos Daytona Racer and helps the team get ready for the track.
Event Shows - Davenport 2006
Guess Who Wins - Fun in the sun at the antique motorcycle field games at Davenport, IA.
King of Style - Fashion Tips from Dave at the AMCA meet in Davenport, IA.
Knucklehead Brothers - Dale and the Sublet brothers check out an original paint 1912 Harley-Davidson.
Old Friends - Dale and John Parham, of The National Motorcycle Museum and J&P Cycles, share stories and catch up on old times.
Racing French - Frank and Dale check out an original 20s Excelsior Super X Cutdown.
Small Bike Part 1 - Dale and Frank look over an original 1928 Excelsior dirt-track racer.
Small Bike Part 2
Event Shows - The Great Race
Great American Race 2007 - Wheels Through Time hosts the 25th anniversary Great Race on its 4,000 mile cross-country journey.
Great Race Highlights Show - Highlight form the worlds richest old car race, with a few unexpected surprises!
Event Shows - The Smokeout Long Road
The SmokeOut Stops at Wheels Part 1 - Dale and the gang gear up for the SmokeOut and catch up with old and new friends alike.
The SmokeOut Stops at Wheels Part 2 - Dale catches up with some of the Long Road Riders and takes a few spins on some of the homebuilt chops on the Long Road.
Event Shows - Wauseon 2007
Antique BMW @ Wasuseon - Bob White catches up with the Vintage BMW club in Wauseon, OH.
1st Annual Wauseon Vintage Races 2007 - Boardtrackers duke it out at the Wauseon quarter mile.
2007 Field Games Fun - A big turnout at the 2007 Wauseon field games.
Cycle Mos Power House - Dale and the guys from cyclemos Motorcycle Museum cut it up after Dale donates an interesting piece of history!
Meet the Hendersons - Big or small: WHich would you ride?
The AMCA National Meet at Wauseon - The best of the best from Wauseon 07.
Treasures From Wauseon 2008 - Dale and Matt share a few of the treasures and goodies they found at the AMCA National Meet at Wauseon, Ohio.
Treasure From Ohio - Dale gets back from Wauseon with a heavy load. New parts = New Projects.
Whizzer Racer - Dale catches up with old friends and takes a ride on a rare 1948 Whizzer racer!
Feature Bikes - Board Track Racers
1913 Thor Racer - The Thor Model SR – A rare original boardtrack survivor. Watch as Dale shares its history and fires it up for the first time in ages.
A Few of Indians Rarest - Dale features two extremely rare Indian boardtrack racers–a 1911 Indian Factory Single racer and a 1914 factory racing Twin. Watch an learn as they roar back to life.
The Big Valve X - A monster of a machine, the original paint Big Valve Excelsior at WTT, shows its dominance and it was one of the boardtrack super racers of its time.
The 21 SCA - Dale fill us in on the history of one of the rarest Harley-Davidson racers, an original paint 1921 Serial #1 Single-Cylinder factory boardtrack racer.
Feature Bikes - Hill Climbers
Indian Hillclimb History - Indians very first and last factory Hillclimbers make noise at WTT as Dale shares their outstanding history.
The 1929 National Champ - The king of the hill….Dale shares the history of 29 National Hillclimb Champion, Gene Ryan, and the 29 OHV Excelsior he rode to victory.
The Jim Raupach Bike - An unknown Indian hillclimber finds its way to Wheels Through Time!
Feature Bikes - Oddities
Henderson Ice Sled - A homebuilt Henderson four-cylinder ice sled finds its way to WTT!
Miller Airplane 2015 - The Miller Lightplane is not only an amazing piece of engineering, but is also a piece of the amazing history of Wilson Miller. This video gives insight to the man and the machine.
Custer - Dale tells the story of the very rare Custer Car. He has had this unique vehicle for 25 years but it has recently been restored to running condition.
Shilohs Before and After Hot Rods - Dale and Shiloh catch up on the finished pair of Harley-Davidson VLDs. A true “before and after” pair.
The Hannigan Sidecar Rig - Dale and a new buddy check out some of the features on a wild custom-built Hannigan Sidecar rig.
The Yellow Thing - Doug and Judy English from Mansfield, PA stop by Wheels Through Time with their cool 3-wheel custom Yellow Thing!
Feature Bikes - One-offs
The 1918 Henderson Prototype - Dale shares the unique history of the one-of-a-kind original paint Henderson Four-Cylinder Prototype in the collection at Wheels Through Time.
The Flescher Flyer - Dale and the Omaha Ramblers crank up the one-of-a-kind Flescher Flyer and Dale takes her for her first ride in nearly a decade.
The Elk - Dale shares a rare, one-of-a-kind Elk motorcycle, and takes this belt-drive beauty for a spin.
Feature Bikes - Post-war
Harley 45 - Dale talks about the famous Harley 45 collection at Wheels Through Time. Watch Dale explain the history of one very rare example.
Brad Andres 3-time Daytona Winner - Dale shares the history of the 3-time Daytona winning KR at the museum, and takes her for a spin on the beach.
Moes Passion 1 - Dale shares a bit of history on the Purple Haze chopper at Wheels Through Time.
The Jack Pine Enduro Panhead - Dale, Matt and Arnold check out a new addition to Wheels Through Time — an authentic Jack Pine Enduro Panhead sidecar — then take her for a spin!
The Servicar Show - Frank DeBary and Knealie catch up with Dale on Servicar History.
Event Shows - The Norton Ralley
Norton Rally - It was an exciting day at Wheels Through Time when 300 Norton’s showed up as part of their Carolina Rally. Fun was had by all, and a few legends showed up as well!
Human Interest - The Time Machine
Motor Maid Grace McCann - MotorMaid Grace McCann stops by Wheels Through Time on 51 Harley that she bought new when she was 17!
Gene Williams Show
Tommy Thompson Memorial Ride Part 1 - The 11th Annual Tommy Thompson Memorial Ride comes to WTT and trades a few stories with Dale about the history of their run.
Tommy Thompson Memorial Ride Part 2 - Dale meets a few of the riders and catches up with the 1 million mile Senator, David Zein!
Tommy Thompson Memorial Ride Part 3 - Dale shares a few highlights from the 11th Annual Tommy Thompson Memorial Ride.
The International Chief - Doug stops by WTT on his 1948 Indian Chief on his way around the world!
25,000 Mile Aaron Moore - Highlights from Aaron Moores 25,000 mile journey around the U.S. on his 46 Knucklehead
Harley-Davidson Stationary Motor Goes To Jay Leno!
Iron Butt - Watch Dale interview a few Iron Butt riders as they stop by Wheels Through Time. Also Dale shows off Brett Donahue’s Sportster that Brett rode to a 3rd place finish in the 2007 Iron Butt. 11,900 miles in 11 days!
Tom Cotter Interview
A Family That Rides Together - Dan and family stop by Wheels Through Time for a visit, and Dan takes a ride on the museums 1951 Servicar.
The Hollister Bike Shop - Can a bike shop fit into a 40 trailer?
Tom Hardy Brings AAA to WTT - Tom Hardy, the Executive Director of the Blue Ridge Parkway Association, was kind enough to bring a buss tour of AAA employees to the Wheels Through Time Museum.
The Southern Cruisers - The Southern Cruisers Hamilton Chapter stop by to share a bit of camaraderie with Dale and crew at Wheels Through Time!
Toms Life Part 1 - Dale helps out an old friend of 30 years!
Toms Life Part 2 - Dale helps out an old friend of 30 years!
Toms Life Part 3 - You cant put a value on a lifes work.
Toms Life Part 4
The Cars - The Cars
1914 Locomobile - Dale and the Time Machine crew pull the pan from the one-of-a-kind 1914 Locomobile Cabriolet Speedster.
The Locomobile - Dale shares the history of Locomobile and walks you through this incredible vehicle - from the engine to its roll up windows.
The Worlds First Street Rod - Dale and Gary tune up whats thought to be the worlds first street rod: the one-of-a-kind Clobes Special.
Getting Ready For Speed - Dale and Bernie start on the 1929 Duesenberg Murphy Roadster and fire up the Clobes Special.
32 Lincoln - Dale tells the history of his amazing 1932 Lincoln Roadster.
The Carter Car - The newest addition to Wheels Through Time, the car of a thousand speeds, the Carter Car. Watch Dale drive and tell the story of the rare Carter Car and its unique friction drive system.
Feature Bikes - Pre-1916
1915 Dayton - Dale shares the history fo this rare, original-paint gentlemens motorcycle, and has a few buddies get her ready for the road.
Get Your Motor Running - Dale and the Time Machine crew mock up this 1913 Henderson and give it a crank to see if she runs.
1915 Pope - Dale shares the history of a rare single-cylinder belt drive Pope in the collection at Wheels Through Time.
Marsh Motorcycles - Dale explains the history of the Marsh Motorcycles. His two beautiful examples take center stage. Also Dale explains the connection to the late Dick Greene.
A Pair of Original Excelsiors - A couple of Dales favorite, a pair of 1912 and 13 Excelsiors, get cranked up and running for the first time in ages at Wheels Through Time.
Indys 1909 Indian - Bill Sporley from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway bring in a rare 1909 Indian, and have Dale give them a few pointers before they put it on the track.
Feature Bikes - Pre-war
1935 Harley-Davidson VL Part 1 - Dale and John make a little progress on the 1935 Harley-Davidson VL 74.
1935 Harley-Davidson VL Part 2 - Dale and John fit the fenders on the 35 VL before sending them to paint.
1940 Indian 4 - Dale shares the history of this rare 1940 four-cylinder Indian and how it found its way to The Wheels Through Time!
Feature Bikes - Veteran Bikes
1920 Harley Model W - Dale shows off a relatively unknown player in Harley-Davidsons History -- a rare 1920 original paint W-model.
A Pair of Aces - Dale shares the rare history of two of Americas classiest four-cylinder machines--a pair of beautifully restored ACE motorcycles.
Veteran Bikes Bike From WV
Other Shows - Fun Shows
A Pair Of 20s - Dale and his good friend Louis show off their 1920 Harley-Davidson W-models.
Dropping Off A Beauty - Keith Campell takes his first looks at his new Knucklehead Bobber.
The Real Thing - Dale and Howard compare bikes over a coke and smile.
The Rudge Runs - Dale and Matt go wheel to wheel to get this potent speedway motor running.
Spider Bikes - 40 spider bikes roll into Maggie Valley to tour Wheels Through Time.
The Petaluma Racer - Dale and crew fire up a rare 1920s H-D outlaw racer.
Getting Ready To Trade
Event Shows - The SoCal Death Valley Run
Rockys Death Valley Invitational - A full crowd shows up for Rockys Teakettle Junction Enduro in Death Valley National Park in October 2007. What a ride!
The Death Valley Drag Races - 80 old bikes make their way to Bonnie Claire Dry Lake for the annual drag races on the mud-flats.
Dales Dangerous Utah Extravaganza - Dale, Joey, and Myron take the bikes for some fun in the Utah Mountains on their way to the 2007 Death Valley Road Run.
Back From Death Valley Part 1 - Matt and Dale give the old 37 Flathead 80 a tune-up after the 14th Annual DV Road Run.
Back From Death Valley Part 2 - A tune-up for Joeys 56 Panhead after about 1500 hard miles at the Death Valley Road Run.
Rare Restorations - 1914 Harley Twin
Bringin' a 1914 Harley Back to Life - Watch as Dale and John get started on the process of bringing a very rare 1914 Harley-Davidson Twin back to life for a good friend.