Tongass Forest Plan Revision
The Forest Plan Revision is an opportunity to work collaboratively with tribes, communities, partners, and the public on adapting to more than 25 years of changes in social and ecological conditions in Southeast Alaska.
Search episodes
Wilderness Inventory - Selecting parcels to analyze further
Wilderness Review
Wild and Scenic Rivers
Revision 101
Recorded Webinars
Webinar#1_Revision 101 and Engagement_Mar6_2024
Webinar#2_What is important in Plan Revision_Mar13_2024
Webinar#3_Wild & Scenic River Eligibility_AlliYamnitsky_Mar20_2024
Webinar#4_Rec & Tourism_Mar27_2024
Webinar#6_Planning for Species Diversity_April10_2024
Webinar#8_ClimateConsiderations_May 15